
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Can Any One Help Us Idenitfy These Crittle Women?

We know this is a sister of Martha Crittle DeJean. What we don't know is whether this is Rachel Crittle Branch who lives in Beaumont, TX and died in 1981 or Mary Crittle.

This picture could be of one four different women. This could be either be one of Martha Crittle DeJean sister Rachel Crittle Branch who lives in Beaumont, TX and died in 1981 or Mary Crittle or it could be Rachel Crittle Branch daughter Esther Ruth Branch or Esther Ruth Branch daughter Esther Unknown Last Name?

We have no farther information on this picture other then it was taken in the 1950's and it is a Crittle relative.

Cecelia J. Cook

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Uncle Huey

There was no one like him:

My Uncle Huey

My Parrain (French word for Godfather)

My Pee-Zu

My Uncle Huey made me feel special

He knew how to fill my cup with kind words about:

How nice I looked,

How pretty I was,

How together I was,

What a good mother I was

My Uncle Huey taught me:

About life,

About people - He said if you set people straight at the start, then

you won’t have any more problems with them.

About work ethic – He said don’t ever marry a job

To love basketball – Go Georgetown

That presents had to be wrapped in good paper

My Uncle Huey knew how to live. At the family reunion he was so

happy about being king of the family, that he wore that

$5 crown all night long.

My Uncle Huey shared his experiences with me &

He gave me some of my first experiences:

Took me to a real ice cream parlor to get my first banana split

Took me to Fuddrucker’s to get a real hamburger

Took me to the truck parades every year on Mardi Gras

My Uncle Huey poured himself into me:

His stories affected me

His lessons/advice shaped me

His wisdom guided me

My Uncle Huey was always in my corner

When I succeeded, he was my cheerleader

When I failed, he always knew the right things to say.

My Uncle Huey was thoughtful. If you mentioned something in

passing, you shouldn’t be surprised to see it materialize at some

point in the future.

That’s why every time I came to New Orleans, I had see My Uncle

Huey I know he did the same thing for all of his nieces and nephews.

He made everybody feel special. He affected all of us which is why

we all came from far and near to be here today. So when I say

My Uncle Huey, I know he was some of

yours too. He was:

Your friend

Your brother

Your father

Your grandfather

Your “spiritual partner”

He made you feel special too. But for me, he’ll always be mine

because there was no one else like him:

My Uncle Huey

My Parrain

My Pee-Zu

Man are we ever gonna miss you?………….

Suzette C. Smith

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hey Family!!! Did You Know!!! Part 2

Did you know that The American Legion located at 4740 Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy in St. Gabriel, LA formally Sunshine, LA. is name Augusta-Criddle Post 583. It is name for two people, one is our cousins Ernest Criddle (Branch #5). Ernest Criddle was recipient of a Purple Heart Medal. He was a members of 3272nd Quartermaster Survey Company that was in Sicily & Rome, Italy where most of his platoon was list as Missing in Action on March 10, 1944. His Body was later found with the rest of his platoon and he is buried in our family Cemetery in Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Cemetery at 2106 Bayou Paul LN in St. Gabriel, LA.

Ernest Criddle was the son of Ollie Criddle (Branch #5) and Ellen Minkins Criddle pictured on the left. I also have a picture of his sister Ernestine Criddle Sterling pictured below. I got the pictures from the husband of Ernestine Criddle Sterling Granddaughter.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey Family!!! Have You Meet Our Cousin!!! Part 1

Hey family did you know our cousin Lauren Michelle Criddle is a Professional Soprano Opera Singer. She is a descendant of Calgo Criddle via Isaiah Criddle(Branch #10). Deon Criddle is her 1st cousin.

She has received her bachelor’s of music from the Julliard School of Music. She has work on a master’s at the Teatro Comunale Firenze in Florence, Italy, the only American admitted to the program.Below is a video of her singing.